
Showing posts from 2006


Todays' quite boring. The biggest thing I did this morning was to make a decision to move from CSDN blogs here. It is another kind of community here, familiar to me but may be a bit strange for audiances in China. I didn't expect many readers from CSDN will come here to pay me a visit. But if you are one of them I welcome you and hope you will put my RSS/Atom feed in your feeding list.

Google analytics is absolutely fantastic!

Yep! When i checked the service this morning (actually I couldn't sleep well last night) it's set up and collecting data! the first time set up take less than 24 hours, and the new profiles can be added in real time... up to 5 profiles can be set, which is not sufficient for me.. i think the statistics take too much resources and i can understand why there's a 5 profile limit. So, i have dropped cnzz and 50bang statistics.. and statcount (or sth like that) that's a great leap over all those services. I would suggest every webmaster apply for an account (i waited 3 months to get an activation code). good luck..

Google analytics

Tested google's analytics service just now. Can't say any word but the interface is even better than most windows applciations. and it's real analysis, beyond many competitors' so called statistics services. well done! However I can't see the real time report which was told to be still pendding for some 24 hours for the first time. I don't know wheather it works or not. just wait for tomorrow... Today's visited and found it forced to display a non-removable adsense sidebar.. what a pitty the best blog name has been registered and be used to display google adwords (wondering why google not to buy it) Again i get less and less sleeping hours..


So this time my blog is recreated and I shall stick on it as it shoudl before. the brit weather is not too hard, i shall start, after several years of hibernation in the dark country my heart can beat again with my new ideas and clearer pathway for my dreams for 20 years.

Good thing is that I have brand new blog

Just too tired. I want to sleep rather than write endlessly. The good thing is that I find here a good gift from google again ,which is perfect. I'm not sure what i will do here.. but my diary had been sealed two years ago.. that's why i must start to write sth here, as my open diary can remind me and, as i trust google i have no need to backup the data in my messy usb disk.. that's perhaps not IT guys do... however i suppose few people will be really interested in reading my blog.. because there's no topic and i'm just a boring IT guy.
