Intelligent agent project - A proposal
Intelligent agent project - A proposal The aim is to build a software robot which can mimic most of human's intelligical activities, such as free will, memory, deductive thinking etc. The agent must also implement three laws for robots, can be able to evolution by itself. The agent must also communicate with each other, and learn from the environment. With this in mind, I can imagine several steps: 1. Create a road map 2. Research the technologies 3. Devlope a prototype 4. Review and redesign 5. Repeat 3 and 4 until a mature agent is created 6. Release on Internet to see how well it (they) can glow There's no weak points (such as time bomb) at design stage for them, as they are supposed to be intelligent enough to break the code by themselves. To maintain the security level it's necessary to review the prototypes carefully enough to make sure that they will not make real impact on human beings. Although the current technologies used in virus production will be reviewed and ...